科研项目: 国家自然科学基金,71673063,对外贸易结构调整对劳动力市场的影响机制与政策研究,2017/01-2020/12,在研。
国家自然科学基金,71173053,区域产业转移的非均衡机制与人力资本空间配置研究, 2012/01-2015/01,43万,第三参与人,已结项。
广东省教育厅“创新强校”科研项目, 17TS08,基于投入产出法的各国生产率测算,2018/01-2020/12,5万元,在研。
戴艳娟,中日产业及贸易结构的比较分析——基于投入产出skyline 方法,国际经贸探索,2017,33(6):32-50
戴艳娟, 中日1995年产业类別购买力平价的推算(日文), 统计研究所学刊, 法政大学日本统计研究所,2004,10: 1-59
Yanjuan Dai, Jie Li, Hiroshi Izumi, ""Measurement of Total Labor Productivity Growth by using Eora MRIO and OECD WIOD”, 24th Input-Output Conference & 6th Edition of the International School of I-O Analysis 2016, Korea, Seoul, 2016.07.04- 07.08
Yanjuan Dai, Jie Li, Hiroshi Izumi, International Comparison of Productivity Growth in China, Japan and South Korea, 59th World Statistics Congress (WSC) of the International Statistical Institute 2013, Hong Kong, 2013.08.25- 08.30
Yanjuan Dai, Jie Li, Liang Xuanyu,Hiroshi Izumi, International Comparison of Productivity Level by Industry among Japan, China and South Korea in 2005,The 20th Conference Reports of Pan Pacific Association of Input-output Studies,Tokyo,Japan,2011.11.05-11.06.
Yanjuan Dai, Jie Li, Hiroshi Izumi, Purchasing Power Parities between Japan and China by Industry, 59th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute 2011, Dublin, Republic of Ireland, 2011.07.16- 07.21
戴艳娟,泉弘志,梁炫玉,2005年中日韩各产业购买力平价和实际价格的投入产出表,第八届日本、中国经济统计国际会议,岛根,日本,2010.11.27- 11.28
Yanjuan Dai, Jie Li, Hiroshi Izumi, Purchasing Power Parities and Multilateral Comparison of Input-Output Tables among China, Japan and South Korea in 2005, 第十届中日统计研讨会 2010, 成都, 2010.10.15- 10.18
Jie LI, Yanjuan Dai,Study on the real value-added measurement method -Including verification by China input-output tables -,2017 International Business, Economics, Finance and Management Conference (BREFM),June 20 to 22, 2017 in Hanoi, Vietnam,2017.6.20-6.22
泉弘志,戴艶娟,李潔,Eora MRIO(世界多地域産業連関表)とOECD WIOD(世界産業連関表)による全労働生産性上昇率の計測,第60回日本经济统计学会全国研究大会,鹿儿岛,日本,2016.09.11-09.13
Izumi Hiroshi, Liang Xuanyu, Dai Yanjuan,Jin Jihong, Jin Dan, Li Jie, Li Fupin, 2005 PPP by Industry and Input-Output Tables of Japan, China and South Korea in Real Term, The 21th Conference Reports of Pan Pacific Association of Input-output Studies, Nagasaki, Japan, 2010.10.30-10.31
Hiroshi Izumi,Yanjuan Dai, Purchasing Power Parities and Multilateral Comparison of Input-Output Tables among China Japan and South Korea in 2005, 17th International Input-Output Meeting IIOA, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2009.07.13- 07.17
Izumi Hiroshi, Liang Xuanyu, Dai Yanjuan,Jin Jihong, Jin Dan, Li Jie, Li Fupin,Harmonization of Input-put Tables of Japan, China and South Korea by Using PPP, The 20th Conference Reports of Pan Pacific Association of Input-output Studies, Hakodate, Japan, 2009.10.31-11.01